Tuesday 24 April 2007

Where the light shines

I am not one to dwell on may have beens. This morning in my book blog I realised that it was time to reconnect with Friends and Radical Quakerism. I have made the first steps by linking up live feeds to a range of blog sites. This means I can also dive into the debates and issues again. Who knows, today's toe dipping may lead to tomorrow's deep dive. Hence this new blog is going to have occasional reflections and thoughts about George Fox, a founder of Quakerism , key question.

You will say, Christ said this, and the Apostles say this, but what can you say? Are you a child of Light, that walks in the Light, and when you speak is it inwardly from God?

At its simplest, does your experience of life enable you to make difference?

1 comment:

Liz Opp said...

Greetings, Friend.

I saw you posted a comment on The Good Raised Up so I thought I'd drop by and see what you're up to.

I've been hoping that more Friends from across the pond might join in the online conversation, especially since "Alice" has had to put off blogging for awhile.


Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up